◆ 任景信表示人才培養、推動行業發展,以及促進傳統經濟與新經濟的融合,是他們一直在關注的事情。 視頻截圖


主持︰As the flagship for Hong Kong's information and communication technology industry, Cyberport has over the years been implementing its public mission programs, through the provision of financial and professional supports to nurture startups to inspire and motivate young people, to pursue a career in the innovation and technology industry, and also create business opportunities.


Today, we are very happy to invite Mr. Peter Yan, CEO of the HK Cyberport Management Co. Ltd., to our show, and let us know more about Cyberport. What Cyberport will provide to startup companies on fostering industry development, enterprise transformation and talent cultivation, to realize Cyberport's vision to create new impedance for HK's new economy through digital technology.


So as the CEO of the HK Cyberport Management Co. Ltd., you have been leading Cyberport to fulfill its public mission of giving the new impetus to HK's economy through the digital technology. So what you have been specifically trying to do so?


嘉賓︰At Cyberport, I think we are very fortunate to have a wide community of entrepreneurs working in the tech areas. We have now over 1,800 companies over the years, accumulated in our Cyberport community. And in the past three to four years in particular, what we have been trying to do is to focus on three things. Now we have limited resources, so we have to focus our resources on three things, to make it more impactful.


One is definitely talent cultivation, because we can't really have a good development in tech entrepreneurship without good talents. So talent cultivation is definitely something that we have the first priority to focus on. We have a series of programs, facilitating talent development and then and so on. I'm not going to the details, but maybe in coming discussion, I'll elaborate a little bit on that.


Then there is also the very important thing of trying to get technology into something that becomes an economic driver for HK to have stronger economic contribution. So driving industry development to turn technology into a strong economic driver is something that we have also been trying very hard to do, and encouraging people to set up companies, and encouraging them to do application that is sustainable, that has economic contributions and so on.


Now the third one is, again, becoming more and more important, is to have the new economy technology companies to integrate with the traditional industries, traditional economy of the pillar industries in HK, including, of course, financial services, a lot of logistics-related services, hospitality-related services, and also, to a large extent, becoming more and more important, the digital entertainment areas. So these are the three focus you can say namely talent cultivation, driving industry development, and also integration of traditional and new economy, are the things that we have been focusing on.


◆ 點新聞英文節目《EyE on U 容來熙往》,由立法會議員容海恩及梁熙主持,邀請香港社會各界包括政界、商界及專業人士,分享及討論社會熱話。